Stephen Gillman
Mechanical Superintendent
Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant
Athens, Alabama
“This is to let you know the great success we had utilizing your Walhonde pipe clamp. The 24” clamps you custom made for us in short order, worked great and were a key ingredient in our success. We replaced a large amount of large bore piping in a world record 19-day refueling outage. The clamps allowed us to fit-up and align our piping prior to tacking. This has been a major problem in the past due to configuration of the piping being replaced.
I look forward to continued success utilizing the Walhonde clamps and specialized tooling in the future.”
Allan Broderick
Project Superintendent
Kinetics, Inc.
Kennedy Space Center Project
Cape Canaveral, Florida
“It’s excellent equipment. The clamps significantly helped us. We should have discovered this equipment sooner. It would have saved me a lot of money. It cut the fit-up time for the pipes in half, at least, maybe even quicker.”
Project Manager
International Company
“We have finally had an opportunity to properly evaluate the Wallbanger fit-up tools and as would be expected, found them to be a valuable tool. It has been especially useful for use in making repairs as the only method acceptable to the inspection agency…No other method or repair is permitted even if the leak is outside the furnace.”
Quality Control Manager
International Company
“On jobs where the Walhonde tools were used, X-ray rejections were reduced to nil.”
Project Manager
WV Boiler Company
“We are pleased with the man-hour savings that resulted from its use and more importantly, the savings in calendar days, which as you know, is critical in boiler erection and repair.”
Project Manager
International Company
“The tooling does what it claims to do; it saves time and that saves money. We are calling now to order five additional sets…”